Thursday, June 25, 2009

my lashes are dry,,,purple teardrops i cry

so this a blog about my trip to Fredericton

got up that morning and took mariah home,
then came home and finished packing
i wasn't feeling that great but i've gotton pretty
used to feeling sick
so i just kept on going
my nana showed up and i was still sick we stopped three times before
leaving florenceville
so i asked her to take me home
when we got home i laid on the bathroom floor for about and hour
then i finally said lets go
because i really wanted to go
as soon as we got on the highway
i threw up =(
but then i fell asleep in the backseat
and slept all the way to freddy =)
when we got there i went shopping
i got ---
3 dresses
2 pairs of pants
2 sweaters
3/4 new tops
they're all really awesome :)
then we went to the hotel
went out for supper at brewbakers
came back to the hotel ordered a movie
"Confessions of a Shopaholic"
i wasn't expecting much but it surprised me
it was pretty good

the next day......
got up went out for breakfast
then went to the art gallery
then went to the garrison ale house for lunch

after this we went to be-dazle
its a really high end jewelery shop
the owner trudy gallagher
showed us how they made everything
and then sat us down to make our own set of earrings
she looked at what i created and
said she was amazed
she told me " if someone new to making
this kind of stuff can create something
that amazing in this short period of timing
then i can't imagine what you would do after some
training" she also told me that if
i ever wanted a job to come back there and she would personally
train me to work in her store
i was completely blown away!
someone recognized my passion for
creating things
my passion for art
and design

i was so happy after that =)
we went back to the gallery
to talk to the aboriginal speaker
because she was an amazing person
then we went back to the hotel
nana picked up Zane and we came
back home

mj died today
i diden't really like his stuff
but its still sad

i called rachel tonight im gonna go see her tomorrow
after work
i miss her a lot like so much its unbelievable
i also really miss lauren i keep thinking that
shes still here and i can go see her anytime
but then i realize she really is gone

ilove you and miss you both so much <3

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