Tuesday, May 12, 2009

light on as if you have a choice

everyone is doing dedications so i guess its my turn
plus steven is making me write a blog so here it goes
ps these are in no paticular order

Rachel-We have been best friends since the beginning of
time I know how hard it has been moving so many times
especially leaving me <3 but im glad we stayed best
friends through it all i miss you so much now that you
live 2 and 1/2 hours away but at least you're closer
than you were before
i can't believe how much you've grown, you used to be
really quiet and shy but you've opened up so much
i miss you unbelievably but every time i call you never
fail to put a smile on my face
there are too many memories to write on a blog
and some are too personal but i want you to
know i probably wouldent be here without you
you have stuck by me through everything
and i know we'll be friends forever
and not in the cliche hallmark way
but true best friends
our song--- i want it that way-backstreet boys (L)
well you know me i cant put just one
-----hallelujah-leonard cohen

Mariah-you were my first friend out of the broad group we
now have, for a while we really dident talk and it felt like
we were both going in completely different directions i
dont know how but somehow we met up again and nothing
can pull us apart now i know how hard its going to be to let you
go you're the one i always run to and you've always helped me
up when ive been down, around you im just me and im not afraid
to show it you are amazing and i love you always
the most recent memoir
"hey mikala that remote looks good in your mouth!"-riah
"not as good as ......."-me
well you know the rest of that ;P
song--------freakin you-the jungle brothers

Lauren- well well my dear its hard to even think that you will
be leaving so soon i dont want to think about it
you are truly an amazing girl with so much to offer this world you are going
to be going on to bigger and better things but i hope you let me remain
a part of your life i dont even remember how we got so close but
im glad we did ....you are always there to listen to me rant about
my horrible art projects and you always cheer me up by saying they're
amazing,, i will always be there for you no matter what
i am going to miss you so soo soo much you have to come visit me
all the time and call me too love you lots dear
i think you and i should get married but you'd be
number one on my list not number 33
song--love games-lady gaga(just cuz 'i want to take a ride on your disco stick')
--------2am-jude harrison

Steven-You are truly one of the most amazing guys I have ever met
you are so caring you came around at a time when i needed you
the most, i know we dont know each other a lot but you mean so
much to me and i only want to get closer with you
summer will leave room for many more memories and plenty of laughs
dont ever forget how amazing you are and im always here
to remind you how great you are :)
song-------once you read this we'll have to come up with our song

Kathryn-I know it doesnt feel like it but you are really strong
I'm glad im able to be here for you it helps to have someone who
knows exactly what you're going through
it may not seem like it but you are going to get through this
and yes it does take time im going on 3 years but everyday is
getting easier i just refuse to feel like i did i find something
to be happy about no it wont fix everything but it helps
me through the day im always here no matter what
when it feels theres no where else to turn im waiting with open arms
song------iris-goo goo dolls (because i do understand(L))

Bethany-aww sweet innocent bethany always there to listen
ive only seen you angry twice in our entire friendship
you are a really great girl and you are so talented
whatever you do in life i hope we stay in touch
because i know you are going to be famous someday
song------hot n' cold-katy perry

Andrew-we've shared many memories i remember
the first time mariah introduced me to you and i had
a crush on you haha good times good times
somedays it feels like we're really far apart compared to
how close we used to be and i miss you but since i cant seem
to get rid of you i guess we'll have to be friends forever jk
buddy you're great
song-------pretty much anything by the Jonas Brothers

Cara-what can i say we've grown apart i feel bad ya
but i never felt i could tell you anything because i dident
know how you would react but the times we did share were
great like that time you almost killed me driving in woodstock
and then i had to pay for your gas because you dident have any
money on you i still want that $20 just joking i know i'll never get
it back i know once you get to university you'll be better you'll find
friends who can be there for you i just diden't know how

Stefanie-hmm stefie stefie its obvious we aren't talking much
anymore i feel bad but im glad you're doing better now being so
close with Mike no im not abandoning you i promised i would never
do that and i dont break promises i'm just trying to learn how to let
go no i dont hate you no you dident do anything wrong and yes we are
still friends and yes i still want to talk to you we just arent as close
anymore but your life is only getting better
things are starting to turn around for you stef it will get better

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