Wednesday, October 28, 2009

and on your list of things to do
is : make me fall in love with you

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

baby i can see your halo i pray it wont fade away

I mean, it sneaks up on you. Right? But one day, you look at your life, and it has purpose, and someone that makes you feel very special, and friends. And it's, like, all of a sudden, all that time and pain that it took to get there, it just . . . doesn't matter anymore.-Peyton Sawyer

Friday, October 16, 2009

losing you is like living in a world with no air

-went back to school Tuesday,
i like the structure it gives me but i also like my sleep :[
-Wednesday i watched Glee which i realize i now love
-Thursday we had a real lockdown at school
which was scary but we survived
- i got my check which i desperately needed
-today i got a phone plan , instead of wasting money
on stupid phone cards
-got pretty blue nailpolish
-and printed off pictures for my picture hanging thing
(it looks somewhat like kathryns for those of you who have seen kathryns room)
umm tonight i plan on filling out some scholarships
so ya i find my posts are getting pretty boring ,
talking about my life and whatnot
i have some ideas floating around in my head for some poetry
i might work on them ;)

----Music Moment----
Glee Cast-No Air
Destinys Child-Say my name ;P

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I'd come for you, But only if you told me to

Mariah, I know I haven't been in contact
with you much lately but like I told
you Sunday I'm going to be here for you
I somewhat understand where you are
coming from seeing how I was there too.
Although our likeness stems from different
problems and different people I still understand
how you feel since I've been there. If you ever
need anyone I'm always going to be here for you
and even when you just want to talk about GLEE ;P
I'll be here for that too
You have been a great friend to me, even when I was
way down in my darkest time so let me help you.
I love you Riah
xoxoxo Mikki C

We're chasing stars to lose our shadow

this weekend I hung out with Rachel =)
saw most of the girls *misses Lauren and Beth <3*=)
and got presents =)
and had thanksgiving dinner =)
It was a fantastic weekend.
Saturday Rachel came down around 2pm
We hung out talked,laughed X a million , and just had fun
Then we had our Turkey dinner and Dessert
After that I opened up my gifts I got
-One Tree Hill Season 2 & 5
-A scarf ( beth this should make you happy ;P )
-A purse with Johnny on it
-Plus besides buying me gifts my parents were
being so generous the paid for all the parts I
needed for my car :)
After presents and talkage
Rachel and I played with my brother and sister for a while
Then we went out for coffee with Kath,Cara,Stef and Josie
It was really fun sometimes people got a little out of control
but what can you expect from 6 girls in a contained space on caffeine
Rachel and I came back home and stayed up until about 2am
seeing as we had church the next day
Got up, got ready, went to church
played spoons in Sunday school =)
in church I dident see Riah and I was afraid
I wasent gonna be able to but then she showed up
late haha
and we had a pretty intense hug <3
plus we got to actually have a conversation
it had been a while
Then Rachel and I went to my Nana's house
and did a bunch of random stuff
-played N64
-got chinese
-played DINER DASH
-played scrabble
and watched some tv
Monday she had to leave cause her dad
had to catch a flight to Alberta or else
she would have stayed longer
but other than that it was
pretty much an AMAZING weekend.
The only thing that would have made it better
would be if Lauren and Beth could have made it up
but this means we'll have a lot to look forward to
at Christmas =)
So anywayyyzzz that was my holiday weekend

---Music Moment---
Secondhand Serenade-Stranger
im pretty much loving this band ;)

Friday, October 9, 2009

when it rains, it pours

Monday, October 5, 2009

if you havent noticed i kind of love 'One Tree Hill'

Lucas: And Hansel said to Gretal: Let us drop these bread crumbs, so that together we find our way home, because losing our way would be the most cruel of things." This year I lost my way.
Nathan: And losing your way on a journey is unfortunate. But losing your reason for the journey... is a fate more cruel.
Peyton: The journey lasted eight months. Sometimes I traveled alone. Sometimes there were others who took the wheel, and took my heart. But when the destination was reached, it wasn't me who'd arrived. It wasn't me at all.
Brooke: And once you lose yourself, you have two choices. Find the person you used to be, or lose that person completely.
Mouth: Because sometimes, you have to step outside of the person you've been, and remember the person you were meant to be. The person you wanted to be. The person you are.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

just sayin'

i might like you better
if we slept together

Thursday, October 1, 2009

we gunna run this town tonight

i LOVELOVELOVE my new hair
its delicious
i'm happy it turned out so well
i'm tired
i've been up until two/three/four in the morning
and i dont get up until late but imma still tired
i have to go get Raphael(my car he's a TMNT) inspected
that is all for now

---Music Moment---
Jay-Z, Rihanna, Kanye West- Run this town