Thursday, August 20, 2009

I never thought I'd fall for you as hard as I did

So usually Rachel and I talk about stuff that happens during the day, funny things we've seen, or something weird that has happened. But the other night we talked about university, careers, and familys. So basically we talked about everything that we hope to attain in the future. She has changed what she wants to pursue, this got me thinking . Do I have what it takes to become a veterinarian? Is that what I really want out of life? Would I be happier doing something else?
For 5 years all I've wanted to become is a vet, to take care of animals. But now I'm second guessing myself, I don't know if I would be alright to be in control of a living creature, to have all that control in my hands. Then I think well what if I don't even get accepted at UPEI , I know I worry way to much; but this is my life. There are no second chances, every choice you make has a consequence. I don't want to waste my life away. I want to make every moment count, I've spent so much time holding back, afraid of what others would think of me. When really all that mattered is what I know to be true. That the real me needs to shine through no matter the situation. Grade 12 is all about deciding what you want to do after high school, I'm going to trust myself to make the right decision. Rachel has decided to become a teacher(maybe at STU), teaching has always been my back-up plan. The bonus is now Rachel wants to teach as well, so I think I will apply to more than UPEI and hope for the best. During our conversation on life I realized how alike Rachel and I are, it's strange how we want the same things out of life, oh and we've decided that when we have kids we will act as aunts instead of cousins to each others kids. Right now we are trying to figure out where we want to live. Probably something that you shoulden't try and predetermine but it's always nice to have a best friend you want to plan your life with. Well this is getting to be probably my longest blog ever. If you've taken the time to read my rant THANK YOU it means a lot to have people who care about what you say even if it is rant-ish.

---Music Moment---
Keri Hilson ft. Kanye West & Neyo-Knock you down

1 comment:

Béth said...

I read it all betch ;) <3

and no matter what you do, you'll be great.
I just know it.