Wednesday, August 26, 2009

you make me smile

Day 22
I like to push my limits.
I want to see just how far
I can take something.

---Music Moment---
Uncle Kracker-Smile

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

keep your hand on the wheel and one on my thigh

Day 21
i can be really superficial
i dont mean to be
but i am

---Music Moment---
Steve Dunston-Slow Road

Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 20

When I get bored I chew on stuff,
like whatever I have in my hand.
Usually plastic wrappers or pens.

---Music Moment---
Taylor Swift-Cold as you { I listen to it every single morning :) }

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day 19

I used to swear all the time,
'twas bad

Saturday, August 22, 2009

you told me to call, you said you'd be there

Day 17
I have severe anxiety;
about pretty much everything.
This is why I can't have silence.
It gives me quiet to think.
Which leads to disaster.
Which I have told a few of you about.
Maybe I'll extrapolate later ,,,maybe

Day 18
I never have worn a turtleneck
and I never will.
I hates them ;)

---Music Moment---
Taylor Swift-Cold as You

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I never thought I'd fall for you as hard as I did

So usually Rachel and I talk about stuff that happens during the day, funny things we've seen, or something weird that has happened. But the other night we talked about university, careers, and familys. So basically we talked about everything that we hope to attain in the future. She has changed what she wants to pursue, this got me thinking . Do I have what it takes to become a veterinarian? Is that what I really want out of life? Would I be happier doing something else?
For 5 years all I've wanted to become is a vet, to take care of animals. But now I'm second guessing myself, I don't know if I would be alright to be in control of a living creature, to have all that control in my hands. Then I think well what if I don't even get accepted at UPEI , I know I worry way to much; but this is my life. There are no second chances, every choice you make has a consequence. I don't want to waste my life away. I want to make every moment count, I've spent so much time holding back, afraid of what others would think of me. When really all that mattered is what I know to be true. That the real me needs to shine through no matter the situation. Grade 12 is all about deciding what you want to do after high school, I'm going to trust myself to make the right decision. Rachel has decided to become a teacher(maybe at STU), teaching has always been my back-up plan. The bonus is now Rachel wants to teach as well, so I think I will apply to more than UPEI and hope for the best. During our conversation on life I realized how alike Rachel and I are, it's strange how we want the same things out of life, oh and we've decided that when we have kids we will act as aunts instead of cousins to each others kids. Right now we are trying to figure out where we want to live. Probably something that you shoulden't try and predetermine but it's always nice to have a best friend you want to plan your life with. Well this is getting to be probably my longest blog ever. If you've taken the time to read my rant THANK YOU it means a lot to have people who care about what you say even if it is rant-ish.

---Music Moment---
Keri Hilson ft. Kanye West & Neyo-Knock you down

you thought I would self destruct without you but I'm still here

Day 15
I can only nap when I'm sick.

Day 16
I can't fall asleep with my
bedroom door open.

---Music Moment---
Destinys Child-Survivor

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day 14

I want to be famous
I want people to remember
me when I'm dead.

---Music Moment---
Woodale-Keep driving

Monday, August 17, 2009

if you name him that ; he'll be a serial kille

We were talking about baby names
we like and I said Kiptyn
because I love that name
this is her response:

Rachel-I would ignore my own children
to play with your son Kiptyn,none of the other
ones. Just Him

--She has also agreed to name her son
William Wallace in honor of me

---Music Moment---
Mitchell Musso- Hey
I'm having a disney day :P

Day 13

Whenever I'm sad I listen
to Taylor Swift
i loves her <3

---Music Moment---
It's alright it's ok-Ashley Tisdale

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 12

When I was in grade 2
i was a bully

Saturday, August 15, 2009

we'll pick the slow songs, cause I believe these roads were meant for us

Day 8
I can't stand silence

Day 9
I play with my hair when I'm nervous

Day 10
I like to drive alone at night,
there's no one to hold me back

Day 11
I hate talking on the phone

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 7

I try not to get close with people
because they always end up leaving
at least that has been my experience
i'm still waiting on someone to prove me wrong

i want to feel safe

Day 4
There are two movies in this
world i can guarantee you i will cry
at every time
1) I am Sam

Day 5
okay so this one is tough
-the only friend that i think actually cares
about me is Rachel and sometimes
i dont even think she cares
i mean if everyone else
cared why dont they ever reach out to me
i know im just being overly sensitive
as well as self centered
and the truth is im so insecure
i don't even believe i deserve friends
i don't deserve anyone

My Dad(step dad) got me
a blanket when I was 7
and I can't sleep without it

---Music Moment---
Five Times August-Up to me

Friday, August 7, 2009

Day 3///// In Maine with Rachel :)

I've always had a crush on Regis Philbin
he just makes me laugh, and I'm a sucker
for a guy who makes me laugh
so yeah
quite embaressing
but there are worse things in my life

---Music Moment---
Taylor Swift-Cold as you

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 2

My biggest fear is being alone.
All I want is someone to share
everything with and someone who
loves me for everything that I am.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 1

there is one band on this planet i
cant stand
they just drive me crazy

how do i begin to stop loving you

so i saw this challenge a couple of months ago,
i've been debating on whether or not i should do it
but i think i will, just because what else do i have to lose

it doesnt really have a name but im calling it
"30 secrets in 30 days"
i'll try and make some of them funny,
some will be hard to tell,
and i'm going to try and tell
you stuff that i don't think anyone else knows

if i miss days i'll catch up eventually,
so ya
hope you enjoy

---music moment---
Anders Johannson-Sunshine
Jordin Sparks-Battlefield

Monday, August 3, 2009

let me feel; I dont care if I fall

I miss Steven
he's someone I felt I could share anything with
I just felt happy around him
Even when he was making fun of my driving or my pointless stories
And saying goodbye to him meant letting go of that happiness he had restored
I know I'll still see him
he said he would come back and visit me
and I'm sure I'll make a few trips to Fredericton
since thats where almost everyone is going for school

I thought my summer would be spent
hanging out with everyone
but pretty much all i've done is work
I'm going to Maine in 4days
to spend some time with Rachel
I'm really excited i miss her
it sucks being away from her so much
She's my best friend and I only see her every few months

oh well; thats life i guess

no one is online and I'm really bored
and I miss them
I'm hoping to get one on one days with everyone
before they all go
so whoever ends up reading this
let me know ;)

---music moment ---
can't hate you-brandon paris band