Friday, May 28, 2010

I will survive

How are you gonna face tomorrow
when you haven't lived today?
Why do you keep pushing stuff off;
it will all just slip away
Everyday you have to keep on fighting
because this world it doesn't rest
Everyday you have to keep on trying
so people see you at your best.
This world it throws some mighty punches.
It will drop you to your knees.
Its not the fall that defines your strength
its the fact that you rise again
Hit upon hit you're still going strong.
Even though they're raining terror upon you
You still go on
I wanna see you fight through this
Cause I fought too

You think you're strong cause you're willing to die
The real strength comes when you're fighting to stay alive.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

My little Ava
a ten week old kitten
starving to death
and believed to be thrown out of a car
how can people be such monsters

--I will lift you up
because you are too weak to stand
I will hold you close
I will show you the way
because your blind eyes keep you still.
I will love you until the end of time
because your strength overwhelms me.
Let us be one together now,
forever and always,